9 Tips to Walk on Snow and Ice Like a Pro - Sioux Falls Chiropractic

Walking on ice and snow is no joke. If you've lived in Sioux Falls long, chances are you've encountered a patch of ice that brought you to your knees, or should we say, backside? With snow falling and conditions perfect for icy walkways, we thought you could probably use some pro-tips on walking on snow and ice.

If nosediving temperatures and freezing drizzle make you nervous to walk into Target, you are not alone. But there is help! Here are a few tips to keep you upright and unscathed by winter storms.

1. Don't Trust Your Vision

A sidewalk or parking can look clear and still have a nasty layer of ice. It is best to assume that all surfaces are slippery if there has been recent snow or freezing rainfall.

2. Find Traction

If you encounter slippery spots, look for areas of grass, rough dirt, gravel or rough snow. They are usually less slippery.

3. Think Like a Bird and Go South

If you can walk on the southern side of the path, do so. Southern exposures receive more sunlight and usually clear off more quickly.

4. Don't Hold Anything

If you start falling you will need your hands free. Try and keep your hands out of your pocket and don't hold anything if you can help it. If you start falling you can often rebalance yourself, if you have your hands free.

5. Get Safe Footwear

During winter storms, throw fashion out the door. Get a pair of low, wide-heeled shoes that have good tread made of either rubber or neoprene composite. Plastic and leather soles are common in shoes, but despite how they look they provide almost no traction.

6. Take Traction in Your Own Hands

If you are really nervous about falling, or if you know that your home or work has very difficult icy patches, consider carrying a small bag of sand or kitty litter. Sprinkle it on your path as you walk to help you maintain traction.

7. Walk like a Penguin

Try spreading your feet when you walk. This broadens your base giving you a lower center of gravity and making it harder to fall. You can also slightly bend your knees. And put your arms out to your sides to help you balance as you walk. You might look dumb to your friends, but you'll have the last laugh when they end up on their backside!

8. Shuffle

Keep your feet about a foot apart so your base is broad, and take small, shuffling steps. Go slowly. If you think you're slow now imagine how much slower you would be with a cast!

9. Use the Railing

When you are going up or down icy outdoor steps, use the hand rail to keep you upright. We recommend taking the steps one at a time. Move both feet to the same step before moving on to the next step. This ensures that you don't get unbalanced.

Related: Are You Shoveling Wrong: 9 Tips From Sioux Falls Chiropractic

How to Fall

If you’re about to go down, lean forward! Leaning forward helps ensure that the back of your head and spine don't take the impact. If you can manage, aim to fall on your side as your hips, thigh, and shoulder are some of the harder bones in the body. Falling on your wrist, back, or arms is a little more dangerous and can lead to more broken bones. We know it is hard, but try to relax your muscles as you fall. Tension exacerbates injuries, while loose muscles can help cushion the impact.

If you fall on the ice or snow and you are sore, remember to ice your injury, never heat it. The impact of falling messes with your alignment, so make an appointment at Sioux Falls Chiropractic! We can help!


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